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Jennifer Gray

Superstar Consultant


My Story

Hello, thanks for coming to my scentsy website!
I hope you enjoy & love scentsy as much as I do!
So heres my story... First & most important I am a wife and stay at home mother. We have 4 wonderful kiddos. They keep me pretty busy most of the time being involved in different activities, we are always on the go. Before scentsy I graduated from nursing school & worked in orthodontics for a long time as well. I decided to start selling scentsy because I just love the product & wanted to make some extra money for fun things! I began hosting basket parties & selling to friends and family and my business just took off (it really sells itself). I LOVE it, not only the product but it has allowed me to make many new awesome friends through selling & being involved with other consultants on our facebook groups. Its soooo much fun!! Scentsy has paid for many of our Christmas's as well as sending us on 4 all expenses PAID VACATIONS! The scentsy family is amazing & supportive, Im just so glad I took the leap of faith and joined, its been a blessing to my family... Thanks for reading let me know if you have any questions or would like to join my team!!! 
Scent with love,
Jenn Gray